Each one of us want to be HAPPY HEALTHY and HEARTY. Inspite of all our efforts people encounter stress which hampers the harmony and peace of life.
One such issue which is the talk of the day is GEOPATHIC STRESS. A majority of our problem can be attributed to this stress factor.
Geopathic Stress is the sole factor found to be associated with majority of serious and long lasting ailments and psychological issues. The negative effects of Geopathic Stress were proven to satisfaction of medical professionals more than 70 years ago.
The term Geopathic stress means disease or suffering of the earth. It literally refers to the earth energies that are harmful to mankind.
Geopathic Stress lines runs through the earth. When a structure is built above the underground water, the natural magnetic flow of the water energy is restricted and disruptive vibrations are sent in the building. If we sleep over these lines over a period of time, the body's resistance to diseases can be affected.
Geopathic Stress is caused by the natural factors such as underground streams, geological faults and cavities or man made activities such as railway cuttings, motorways and tunnels, building foundations, quarries, tree-felling - basically anywhere where there has been a lack of honoring the earth or physical disruptions.
Many believe that underground water sources are the cause of Geopathic Stress. This is only partly true. Underground displacements, ore deposits, mineral deposits, caves and faults also cause Geopathic Stress.
All these obstacles alter the wavelength (frequency) of the natural energy to various harmful frequencies.
If you cannot shake off an illness, depression or feel below par, ask yourself:
Your life is being seriously affected by the "Geopathic Stress Lines"
You may also be experiencing GS if you feel fatigued when waking in the morning, many times with a muzzy head and an aching back. GS may also result in stiffness in the neck and shoulders.
The harmful effects of Geopathic Stress are as follows :-
GS will reduce your ability to create new life. It is estimated that over 90% of women who cannot conceive, they or their partners are sleeping in a GS place and in over 50% of cases it is the main cause of being infertile
If you are then sleeping in a GS place during pregnancy it can be a major contributory factor in miscarriage or an unhealthy new-born baby.
Babies will sleep very badly in GS places. Many confirm, including University Medical research Teams. that over 90% of babies, who died of Cot Death, had been sleeping in GS places.
Children do not thrive in GS, and are often hyperactive and prone to allergies, asthma and eczema.
Kathe Bachler, the famous researcher surveyed over 3000 school children & showed 95% of children with learning difficulties, hyperactive tendencies or continuous bad behavior, either slept or had their school desks (or both) in strong GS places.
It is estimated your chances of living beyond mid-seventy is 90% unless you are Geopathic Stressed (not taking into account accidents, smoking, heavy users of drugs and bad diet).
Innumerable times we get to hear that those suffering from cancer reports that they have been eating a healthy diet, are not over weight, they do not smoke, drink little alcohol and also exercise on a regular basis. Then what is it that made them go through this deadly disease?
The rate at which people are being diagnosed with cancer in today's time, its quite apparent that CANCER will be the root cause of death amongst people. Already one in three women and one in two men will develop cancer at some point during their life time. Once it is diagnosed, cancer is fatal in 47% of young women and 37% of young men.
At a cancer conference that was held in Berlin over 75 years ago, it was confirmed it is more likely for a person to develop cancer when that person has slept in a Geopathic Stress affected area. Thousands of medical doctors and therapists also confirm that the geopathic stress lines must be cleared from a place in order to ensure successful treatments.
Even if you have a certain gene, which in cases of breast cancer gives you a higher risk, this is unlikely to have an effect on you unless you are Geopathic Stressed. Most childhood cancers are caused by the mother having slept in a Geopathic Stress place during pregnancy and the child then sleeping in a Geopathic Stress place afterwards.
Geopathic Stress causes depression, which in turn makes it difficult for the victim to recover from the poor state of physical illness. Most people who get cancer have very acidic blood and are high in micro-parasites. They are also low in certain vital enzymes, vitamins, minerals and trace elements due to a poor absorption rate caused by Geopathic Stress, subsequently resulting in malnutrition. This weakens the immune system of a person which is infact the main important cause of cancer. Even after the cancer treatment, many people die of other ailments like pneumonia, heart attack etc. because the body ability to fight against diseases is highly reduced.
This is to be noted, that we all produce hundreds of pre-cancerous cells each day but they are normally destroyed by a strong immune system. But the person sleeping in a GS area has a weakened immune system and thus fail to destroy these cancerous cells.
How Geopathic Stress Lines Causes Different Types Of CANCERS
One of the most talented dowsers from Germany, named Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, surveyed and concluded that a person will not get cancer until and unless he spends some time in places that are Geopathy Stressed, e.g. lying in one's bed'. He devised a scale from 1-16 and found that any Geopathic Stress lines above the strength of 9 were cancer inducing. Further in 1930 he read a paper to the Medical Congress in Munich, and inspired many doctors to carry out their own research in the field.
To further support his researches he drew the Geopathic Stress Lines on the map of a small town called Vilsbiburg (a Bavarian town with a stable population). He definitely did not know anything about this town. His activity and research was strictly supervised by Council officials and the Police, so that he could not communicate with anyone personally and get personal details and accounts. This might have influence his findings.
Needless to state, every person was amazed to see the result. Every single person who had died of cancer had slept for some time in a bed located exactly over GS lines. He further investigated the town of Grafenau . He returned to Vilsbiburg where another 11 had died of cancer and all had slept in a GS place. Von Pohl estimates 1/40th of 2.5% of the earth's surface is affected by Geopathic Stress. Its definitely not a coincidence that all these who died of cancer were sleeping over the GS lines. His results and findings were accepted as clear and decisive. Many doctors attempted to disprove Von Pohl's findings but none were successful.
Dr. Rambeau M.D. President of the Chamber of Medicine in Marburg, failed over three years to find cancer patients whose beds were NOT located in a GS place. Numerous scientific studies have since validated von Pohl's theory.
Dr. Hager, President of the Scientific Association of Medical Doctors with the help of a professional dowser Privy Councillor C. Williams checked the houses of 5,438 people in the town of Stettin, who had died of cancer and found in all cases that strong GS lines had crossed their homes.
Dr. H. Nieper MD states: 92% of all my cancer patients and 75% of my MS patients are Geopathically Stressed'.
Dr. Nieper is a world renowned cancer specialist and operates one of the largest MS practices in the world.
Furtger investigations were carried out by Dr. Manfred Curry who is a medical doctor and biochemist. He visited various houses of the people who have occpied a house and died of cancer. There were four doctors who were present to stand as a testimony to the survey. In the first house Dr. Curry detected two Geopathic Stress lines under a bed and reported that anyone who had slept in that particular region will be affected by some disease in the pelvis. To everyones astonishment the bed had first been occupied by a mother and then by her daughter-in-law. The mother died 15 years ago and the daughter-in-law 5 years ago of cancer of the uterus.
In another house the doctor detected GS lines crossing the head of the bed and he concluded that the person sleeping there must have cancer of the throat . He was very much correct. All those searched gave the same result, when GS lines were found to cross under beds.
Dr. E. Hartman MD is convinced after treating thousands of cancer patients over 30 years in practice that CANCER IS A DISEASE OF LOCATION caused by Geopathic Stress.
How Geopathic Stress Lines Causes Different Types Of CANCERS
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