Radiations are the biggest threat to the human survival. Ever wondered what's the reason behind the "NON TOLERANCE" and "IRRITATED BEHAVIOR" of the human race in present times. Every human is exposed to continuous electromagnetic radiations emitted from gadgets like televisions, mobile phones, microwaves, heaters etc.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer states that these Electro Magnetic Radiations (EMR) are carcinogenic. These radiations strong and adversely affects our health and quality of life of people. The symptoms of these radiations in the lives of people are :
The quest for a peaceful abode is paramount in all humans. We help to.linit the exposure of electro magnetic radiation in your houses and living spaces by following ways :
NORA by VaastuVedas brings to you mobile chips to protect the magnetic sheath of your body. These chips protect the electro magnetic radiations from cutting through this sheath and hence maintain the alignment of body axis without disturbing your energetic equilibrium.
Convert the Electro Magnetic Radiations emitted from every gadget in your living and work space like televisions, PC, laptops etc thereby making your homes radiation free and disease free.
Geopathic Stress Scanning and corrections using Geo Scanners and providing all necessary corrections and therapies
Monday - Thursday 0600 - 1800 hrs
Friday & Saturday 0600 - 0900 hrs
And all the Sundays Will be Holidays
The easiest way to find a happy life is to make sure that your spaces are constructed according to the laws of nature. If the five elements i.e Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Space are balanced and every obstruction to the life supporting energy is removed we will recieve the maximum support of nature thereby promoting our full potentials. Vaastuvedas owes its existence to these very basic ideals.
Block AE 175, Salt Lake City
Sector 1, Kolkata - 700064
Om Vaastuvedas © 2020.